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Thursday, March 20, 2014

5 Things you should know before building App

Today is the world of mobilisation. You can be pretty sure about it with the increasing fame and use of mobile apps which are sky rocketing. And if you also have thought of developing a mobile app but have no idea about where to start, how to build it, what are the assimilations before starting your app then here are some finetuned tips that you “must know” before.
1. Determine if your app is for your existing business promotion or for making money
Make a clear vision whether you want your app for your existing business promotion tactics or you want to monetise through your app because both of them have separate procedures. If you want your app to uplift and showcase your business then you can hire a local app development company to make it. It is the fastest way to make your app done fine and easy. You can simply choose one of the previously existing apps and then show the sample to local app builder.
But if your main goal is to make money from app, it should be globally targeted. You can start building your app for a seasonal event. You can begin with small apps to maximise your revenue and later buy source code, change few lines of code with alluring graphics and you are done to impress your audience. However, you should keep researching in market in order to know what is currently popular that has already proven market demand and act accordingly.
2. What kind of app should you make and on which platform (Android or Apple)?
Well before you start to build an app, make sure whether there is market demand for your app or not. Be creative and innovative. Go through the mobile app stores and look at the available apps and determine which of them is having maximum downloads and popularity. You can develop your own idea from them as well. For your ease, I can suggest you to develop a game which is the most hitting part of any app today.
Now what kind of app should you build? You might be confused which platform should you choose to develop your app, either Android or iPhones? Both of them use different languages. You should know your audience before making decision on platform. If you want to make money you can go with iPhone apps but if you want to promote your business then Android will be best option for you. There are no ‘reviews’ prior to your app being published, and your app will go live automatically about 20 minutes after you have submitted it.
3. How much risk should you take before building app?
If you are thinking of making a bigger app in your first attempt then there is more risk than in small apps because you will not have any experience gained. So, I suggest you to start with small apps. Learn to keep your risk rate low and aim for higher successful prospects. You will learn a lot from every app you publish and undoubtedly the qualities of upcoming apps keep on increasing. Start with low-budget apps to avoid bankruptcy.
4. Free or paid app?
Develop your app from basic to a more advanced form so consideration for a free version can be given as your app may not cover the advanced features and let users decide whether they are willing to invest in a premium version with more features and contents. Everybody knows the famous game angry bird, right? It offered a free version but the paid subscribers were given more access to challenging levels and other free add-ons. So make your app appealing and entertaining so that people are willing to invest.
5. Always remember “Your app is never finished”
Once you thought of building an app and when you have already built it, never think that you are finished with your app. An app is like a car; to keep it running smoothly you must maintain and update your app to enhance the experience for your users. Maintaining your app helps the functionality and prevents users from becoming bored and moving on to another app. Asking your users for feedback is a great way to begin your app maintenance cycle.
So, when are you starting to build your own app and monetise your business through it? If you are in need of some brilliant mobile app developers then VIS is your complete solution which creates and delivers enterprising mobile web apps quickly and easily through its expert and experienced developers. Just remember to email us at or simply dial 0431 041 875. We are just a call away from you.